Here's a little tease from PreCaution, the sequel to Close Encounters, my LiAW story. (You can also download Close Encounters from my website or directly from Goodreads)
Pre was still a teenager and a ward of the state when he went into the experiment with the others. Vin's been trying to be a helpful big brother since then.
Since his eighteenth birthday, Vin had been offering to take him out, to help him celebrate the ancient rite of passage, but he'd refused. After meeting the prince four months ago, he'd relented and compromised with Vin. During one of his filming breaks, he'd asked for Vin's advice. Udo had woken something in him, and he needed to release it. Vin had taken him shopping, bouncing around like a kid in a candy store. He pulled things off the shelf and handed them to Pre as the wandered up and down the ailes.
“Hold on. What is all this stuff?” he asked.
“Well, this is a plug, and this is a sleeve, and that,” he said with a smile, “that is the Alleviation Station. The Rolls Royce of fuck toys. Self-lubricating, density-sensing sininium core, this sucker can tell how hard you are and give you the ride of your life.”
Pre raised an eyebrow in skepticism. “I don’t think I really need a Rolls Royce. How about a nice, moderate Chevy?”
“Trust me, kid. You want the Rolls. If nothing else, take this. My treat.” Vin slid his cred chip across the counter and paid for it. “Now, how ‘bout we find someone for you to use that stuff with, unless you already have someone in mind?”
Rolls versus Chevy. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.